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  3. International projects

International projects

International focus at Zealand Business College (ZBC) in Denmark is of great strategic importance to us. ZBC’s international department is a part of bringing this focus to life through different kinds of activities, including mobilities for students and staff as well as development projects.

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Contact international department

We are always interested in exploring new partnerships, and you are more than welcome to contact the international department at international@zbc.dk.

Ongoing international development projects

Mobilities for students and staff (KA1 Erasmus+)

KA102-2019 – ZBC Travel4future 

Project description 
A mobility project for students and staff from ZBC. With this grant we plan to send around 110 students on short term mobilities in a company or at a VET School. We also plan to send around 40 staff abroad to do a training abroad. 

Target group 
The students represent several educational programmes at ZBC such as cooks, bakers, watchmakers, farming, construction and building as well as IT/DATA students. 

01/09/2019 - 31/08/2022 

We cooperate with Companies and schools from several European countries; Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, Finland, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Estonia. 

KA102 Erasmus+ 

Project managers and contact information 
Tina Christoffersen: tch@zbc.dk 
Malene Olsgaard

KA116-2020 – ZBC Travel4future 

Project description 
A mobility project for students and staff from ZBC. With this grant we plan to send around 120 students on short term mobilities in a company or at a VET School. We also plan to send around 60 staff abroad to do a training abroad.

Target group 
The students represent several educational programmes at ZBC such as cooks, bakers, watchmakers, farming, construction and building as well as IT/DATA students.

01/08/2020 - 31/07-2023

We cooperate with Companies and schools from several European countries; Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, Finland, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Estonia.

KA116 Erasmus+ (for charterholders)

Project manager
Malene Olsgaard

Development projects (KA2 etc.)


Project description
Creating a new innovative & multidisciplinary future-oriented AgriCulinary Training Unit for culinary & horticultural field towards more sustainable planetary food system.
The AgriCulinary project creates a new training program / curriculum that combines the fields of culinary and horticulture/gardening education.

Target group
Teachers and students from VET Food educations in Europe.

01-09-2022 to 31-12-2024.

ZBC is proud to work on this project together with good, skilled partners from Perho, Finland (lead) & Mosjøen, Norway.

Erasmus+ KA2.

Project website
Not available yet.

Project managers and contact information
Project Coordinator Martin Spuur: mart@zbc.dk
Teacher Birgitte Blands Søndergaard: biso@zbc.dk
Teacher Peter Møller Nielsen: pmni@zbc.dk

- Strengthening Global Competencies Through Advanced Internationalization at Home Practices

Project description

Globe@Home is an Erasmus+ small scale project on internationalization @ home (I@H) with ZBC in collaboration with a Finnish and a Dutch vocational school. For about 1.5 years, teachers and students will communicate online, learn about each other's cultures and different professional topics while practicing their English skills. They will share I@H experiences, develop and test new ideas on how best to carry out online international exchanges. The project will prioritize being inclusive where all participating teachers and students can contribute. Three teachers from ZBC in the Danish town of Holbæk participate within the educations for social and health assistant and pedagogical assistant. The final product, which will describe all the good experiences, will be published.

Target group

VET teachers and students of all VET educational areas.


January 2022 – December 2023.


ZBC (Denmark), Sakky/Savo Consortium for Education (Finland) and Horizon College (The Netherlands).  


Erasmus+ KA210.   

Project website

No project website. Updates on Danish ZBC website for social and health care educations: https://sosu.info.zbc.dk/courses/projekter

Project manager and contact information

Henni Kanstrup heka@zbc.dk


Project description
The KA2 project "GreenPopUp4all" is a project about sustainability & entrepreneurship in the hospitality and catering business.
For two years, ZBC will work on creating opportunities for students and staff & develop a model for teaching & learning sustainable entrepreneurial skills, that are needed in today's hospitality and catering business.

Target group
Teachers and students from VET Food educations in Europe.

01-11-2021 to 01-11-2023.

ZBC is proud to work on this project together with good, skilled partners from Gradia, Finland (lead), Vuxenutbildningen Borås, Sweden & Kuresaare Ametikool, Estonia.

Erasmus+ KA220.

Project website

Project managers and contact information
Project Manager Tina Christoffersen: tch@zbc.dk

Interreg projects

YOUNGPIB: Young People-in-Business 

Project description
The project addresses the issue of business culture, i.e. the way you do business and make decisions, on the Danish and the German side of the Femarn Belt region. This is done by having Danish and German business and IT students make business together in teams using a business simulation game and by investigating the local business communities on both sides. The investigation is carried out as a mix of survey data collected from the local business communities and company visits at each locality. 

Target group

May 2019 – June 2021 (with possible extension) 

Hanse-Schule für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Lübeck, Germany & ZBC Vordingborg, Denmark 

Interreg/kultKIT project 

Project website

Project manager and contact information 

Klaus Lindegaard klin@zbc.dk  

Global projects

Saudi Arabia
ZBC has been invited to bid for the capacity building program of COE, with the scope of assisting a cluster of 15 VET schools in Saudi Arabia in improving management, teaching, and building.

ZBC is working as a part of the Danish Consortium of Academic Craftsmanship with EUC Syd, IBC Kolding and TEC in providing skills training to both private companies as the IHM of the Taj Hotel Chain and public entities as CII. Through the consortium, we are also working with Indian Universities in the area of applied science.

ZBC and IHM-A have a close relationship regarding summer schools, Danish interns to India, Certified Master Classes in food and beverage as well as development of joint curricula and educational programs.

Through many years of membership of CCID, ZBC has participated in both student exchange, and knowledge transfer through staff exchanges.

If you are interested in our projects or want to get in touch with us, then please contact International Department: international@zbc.dk

Completed projects

KA2 Project: EC EUVET - Healthcare - Welfare Technology and Innovation

The eight partners in the project have during the time of program exchanged many ideas, that can be integrated in their own social and health educations, within the theme of Welfare Technology and Innovative Methods. The project involved many teachers and staff from the schools and from the world of work, who participated in the project's five activities in the partner countries. The five learning activities were hosted by partners in Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Spain and Denmark. The project also included partners from Greece, the Netherlands and Germany.

The aim of the project is through new insight and exchange of knowledge to strengthen education of students and give them better skills in the use of the increasingly widespread welfare technology, which is more and more available in the nursing and hospital sector. The assumption for the project was that there is a gap between the competences of staff and the need in the work places that must be covered in order to make better use of this technology in the future.

In the project was also developed a learning objective with description of learning outcomes regarding welfare technology. The learning objective is intended to be one of eight learning objectives for exchange students, who are practicing abroad during their education in the welfare field, to ensure that students can gain knowledge on how to use welfare technology in nursing and the hospital sector in other EU countries. The description of the learning outcome is available on the KA2 project’s Facebook site.

From country to country, there is variation in which kind of welfare technology is used in the health sector and how it is taught at the schools. The project provided a useful exchange of experience on the use of welfare technology and innovative methods, and the participants had the opportunity to discuss advantages and disadvantages. The project activities also inspired partners to make investments in some of the presented new welfare technologies. Among others, the Danish model of the “Knowledge Center for Welfare Technology” and the “Smart Home” from Belgium aroused great interest in similar initiatives, locally or regionally, among several partners. In addition, innovative ways of development of new technologies in cooperation between schools and research departments in universities are other examples of inspiring activities in the project.  

A survey with questions for staff at hospitals, elderly care centers and home care on the use of welfare technology and innovation in the various EU countries was carried out in the project. From the conclusions of the survey it was confirmed, that there is generally a need for more training of staff of use of welfare technologies in order to optimally benefit from investments in such technologies.

The project ends on May 31, 2020, but there will also in the future be opportunities for everyone with interest in the social and health care profession to find inspiration and to inspire others by adding posts through the project's Facebook group called EC EUVET - Healthcare - Welfare Technology and Innovation.

For further questions about the project, please contact Karen Inge Wahlgreen: kaw@zbc.dk, tel. 41721020 or Malene Olsgaard

Fit for 4.0: Training Trainers and Teachers for the 4.0 Paradigm - this project has just ended

Project description
Industry 4.0, digital revolution, smart factories, global interconnection – these are the keywords describing the present developments of the labour world. Teachers and trainers are not aware of the dimension of such changes or can exploit the required tools (conceptual and methodological first, rather than technological).  In order to make VET sustainable, it is relevant updating its times and tools, favouring collaboration among teachers/trainers, learners, training providers, companies, social parts, local authorities. Fit for 4.0 intends to take this challenge, by describing a set of competences useful to VET teachers, and by developing and testing a set of training modules fit for “4.0”, in strict co-operation with companies. 

Target group
1) VET trainers 2) Trainers of trainers at companies, training providers, schools.   

September 2019 – August 2022 (prolonged until December 2022).  

IFOA (Italy), APH (Belgium), BFI – OOE (Austria), EDUGEP (Portugal), GTC (Sweden), JAMK (Finland),  NWRC (UK), EFVET (Belgium), METID (Italien), ZBC (Denmark)  

Erasmus+ KA202  

Project website
https://www.fitfor4-0.eu/  Newsletter 1 DKNewsletter 1 UK, Newsletter 2 DKNewsletter 2 UK

Project manager and contact information 

Henni Kanstrup heka@zbc.dk  

SCLASS: Sustainability in shared classrooms - this project has just ended

Project description
The aim of the KA2 project SCLASS is to create a how to teach a Sustainable Development Goal subject together with other educational institutions in Europe. By creating a teacher’s guide and a virtual platform with teaching modules, we develop tools to find European partners, provide input to teaching methods and materials as well as instructions on how to use digital technology for blended learning. 

Target group
Teachers and students from upper secondary and VET educations in Europe 

November 2021 – October 2022 

IFOA (Italy), EDUGEP (Portugal), BFI (Austria), CIPFP (Spain), AP (Belgium), ZBC (Denmark) 

Erasmus+ KA201 

Project website
www.sclass.eu  Newsletter1 Newsletter2

Project managers and contact information 
Malene Olsgaard
Klaus Lindegaard klin@zbc.dk  

Creating and Living Sustainability

Project description
The project involves an initial analysis of the current state of sustainability in the participating countries to provide a base for the needs assessment. The purpose of the identification of the needs is the development of ideas and creation of suitable solutions, e.g. concepts/guidelines for more sustainability at schools, sustainable services in tourism, and the production of more sustainable products. 

Target group: Students and teachers from the 4 partner countries 

12-01-2020 to 30-11-2022

Partners: The participants of the EU project on sustainability are students and teachers from four European schools: Italy, Germany, Finland and Denmark (ZBC, HHX, Naestved). 

Erasmus+ KA229 

Project manager and contact information
Anne Mette Nielsen aeni@zbc.dk  

YSE: Young Social Entrepreneurship - this project has just ended

Project description 
The YSE project is a VET school partnership between Germany and Denmark, where young business students work together on creating their own common social enterprise. The project makes use of a blended mobility approach, where teaching and collaboration with digital media is combined with physical meeting at the schools. The YSE project combines intercultural outlook and collaborative skills with business and entrepreneurial competences with a focus on the young students own local community. 

Target group 
Teachers and students from the two schools involved are the direct target group. The project results will be posted on eTwinning with the project details and with an invitation to European partners to join.  

September 2020 - August 2022 

Project manager and contact information
Klaus Lindegaard klin@zbc.dk  

BS Eutin, Germany & ZBC Vordingborg, Denmark 

Erasmus+ KA229 

Project website 

Project manager and contact information
Klaus Lindegaard – klin@zbc.dk