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Erasmus+ KA1 student exchange

ZBC offers education and training for exchange students under the Erasmus+ KA1 mobility programme.

At ZBC we offer education and training for Erasmus+ exchange students within the following VET educations: Industrial slaughter, retail butcher, sausage maker, cook, waiter, baker, pastry chef, nutrition assistant, service assistant, watchmaker, ICT, auto mechanics, social- & healthcare assistant, pedagogical assistant, security guard, blacksmith, welding, farming carpenters, plumber and process operator.

Pædagogiske assistenter sidder på en græsplæne, hvor de i fællesskab skal løse en opgave

ZBC holds an Erasmus+ charter accreditation and we constantly develop our international training programmes to include more educational fields, as ZBC offers education within more than 40 educations.

Read more in the quick links about our different programmes and how partner schools can get in contact with us.

Erasmus+ KA1 student exchange programs

ZBC is one of the biggest vocational schools in Denmark, with approx. 1000 employees and 6000 full time students, who can choose among more than 40 different educations. ZBC’s training facilities are placed in 8 towns in the region of Zealand.

ZBC holds an Erasmus+ charter and has experience from many years of international cooperation with Erasmus+ partners in many countries, both sending out our students in all kinds of professions as well as receiving Erasmus+ students from our EU partners.

Having our own students hostels in three of our locations; Ringsted, Roskilde and Slagelse makes it easy for our partners to plan students’ mobilities, since we, subject to availability, can offer a full board and accommodation solution for Erasmus+ students.

To ensure high qualty in their programs ZBC offers the students, we work with learning objectives and  ECVET assessment tools to provide the students constructive feed back to their learnings abroad.

We focus on Green Erasmus+, and working with UNs Sustainable Development Goals is important elements to make sure that the students in addition to professional skills, gain a view of our common responsabilities for the world we live in.

To support our stragegy ZBC takes part in a number of KA2 projects.

ZBC also offer a broad variety of international specialized courses, virtually or on- site for Erasmus+ staff training programmes in Denmark.

Courses and costumized education exports are available for partners world wide, you will find description of our summer programs available.

The Danish Meat Trade College is ZBC’s meat training department. You can find more information about the tailor made training we provide on all levels.

For further information do not hesitate to contact international@zbc.dk

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Please do not hesitate to contact us

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Vocational training for EU students

ZBC offers practical education and training for Erasmus+ exchange students

ZBC cooperates with a wide range of partner schools around Europe within Erasmus+ student exchange.

At ZBC we offer education and training for Erasmus+ exchange students within the following VET educations: Industrial slaughter, retail butcher, sausage maker, cook, waiter, baker, pastry chef, nutrition assistant, service assistant, watchmaker, ICT, auto mechanics, social- & healthcare assistant, pedagogical assistant, security guard, blacksmith, welding, farming carpenters, plumber and process operator.

We constantly develop our international training programmes to include more educational fields as ZBC offers education within more than 40 educations.

If you are interested in hearing more about our programs, you must ask your school to contact us.

Read more about European student exchange.

Areas of education

ZBC is a large Danish VET school with more than 40 educations.Have an overview of all the educations that we offer at ZBC. And you can read more about all the areas.
If you want to hear more about our areas of education, then please contact us for further information: international@zbc.dk 
Food & hospitality

Denmark is well known for producing food, which at the same time is in high quality and experimental.

Danish restaurants like Noma are some of the best in the world. ZBC is the leading school within food and hospitality in Denmark. We teach the professions in this sector. Besides being Denmark’s biggest school, we constantly strive to be the absolute best in this area.

Our teachers are the best in the field and we constantly develop and renew our approach, while focusing on the handcraft and traditions that makes a great food experience. Our focus is to provide our students with quality and service in mind when they learn about food and hospitality.

  • Baker/ confectioner
  • Pastry Chef
  • Nutrition Assistant
  • Cook & catering
  • Waiter
  • Gourmet Butcher/ retail butcher/ shop butcher
  • Industrial Butcher
Business & retail

In the business and retail department, our students will learn to give the customer an excel­lent experience, no matter what. The educational programmes focus on administration, business and sales, which are key competencies in this sector.

We use real life and relevant experiences when we train the customer contact situations, and provide with knowledge in both traditional retail stores, online shops and the most modern technology in the field.

As a part of our retail education elections, we offer Danish retail chains study trips to London and Berlin for example, where we teach and show them state of the art retail development, to prepare for the future.

  • Retail with specialties
  • Event coordinator
  • Business with specialties
  • Finance
Technology and industry

ZBC is well known for high level industrial education that leads to employment, because the Danish highly specialised industrial production constantly demand expert skills when it comes to further education. At ZBC we provide industrial education programmes that are important for the progressing digital society.

The integration of new technology is important in order to give the students an education that meets the needs of the future development. That is why we also give our students real life experiences in the training.

  • Automation technician
  • Industrial technician
  • Data technician
  • Electronics
  • IT supporter/ programming
  • Process operator
  • Watchmaker
  • Toolmaker
Building & construction

In Denmark, we have a long handcrafting tradition and high-level quality residential buildings that meet both strict environmental requirements and the ever-changing climate in Denmark. At ZBC, we educate both students, trainers and further training to this area and provide expertise knowledge.

At the same time, we give the students insights in the various elements of construction, to provide them with the understanding of the important interfaces and connections between the professions on a construction site.

  • House painter
  • Flooring contractor
  • Carpenter
  • Building assembly technician
  • Electrician
  • Bricklayer
  • Smith
  • Plumber
Transport & logistics

In Denmark, most of the transport takes place on the road and consequently ZBC’s transport educational programmes aim to provide students with logistic skills that are essential for the entire trademarket - the skills to repair the means of transportation and to perform the transport themselves, in a secure and economic way without overloading finance or environment.

  • Auto mechanic
  • Truck mechanic
  • Warehouse and terminal operator
  • Road freight
Agriculture and sustainability - farmer, landscape gardener

In Denmark we have a long history of effective farming and modern agriculture, where commodities are distributed to most of the world’s food production and the agricultural products is one of the biggest exports in the Danish economy.

Denmark is a proud agricultural community that uses the latest technology and knows how to produce with a high outcome while the production is sustainable.

Through our agricultural educational programmes we contribute to this development and lead these great traditions on to the next generation, while we continually strive to develop the area through our training.

  • Landscape gardener
  • Landscape gardener assistant
  • Agricultural equipment operator
  • Agricultural assistant
  • Farmer
Healthcare and pedagogical assistant

Denmark is one of the leading countries in the world when it comes to world class welfare system and an inspiration to other countries.

We have specialised in Healthcare educational programmes and our teachers have the latest knowledge and at ZBC we have the technical equipment to give world class education to our students and when we train the trainers.

  • Social and health assistant
  • Pedagogical assistant

At ZBC, we educate our students in providing the service of securing and cleaning. We have many years of experience with educational programmes in the service industry and have carefully organised a wide range of education at all levels in the areas of guard, laundry and cleaning service, both continuing education and introduction to the industries.

Our educational programmes strengthen the professional skills within security.

We are Denmark’s only course provider in the laundry area, and one of the only schools that educate in security.

  • Service Assistant (cleaning)
  • Security guard
Kokke og ernæringsassistenter står sammen ved bord


ZBC has full scale practical education and training facilities

ZBC has full scale education and training facilities for students on different locations.
Below is a little insight of what we can offer for Erasmus+ exchange students studying at ZBC:

  • Training slaughterhouse and de-boning facilities (4,000 m2)
  • Meat processing facilities for sausage production, smoked and cured products
  • Food shop, restaurants and cafes for training
  • Bread bakery, pastry and various kitchen facilities
  • Training facilities for service assistants, security guards
  • Pedagogical assistants: Creative kitchen, kitchen for manufacturing food for children/children’s institutions, multi-purpose room for physical activities, small outdoor vegetable garden etc.
  • Social and healthcare assistants: Demo rooms with patient beds and life-size paramedic dolls
  • Auto repair workshops and training facilities for watchmakers and ICT

Furthermore, the college has three student’s hostels at our premises in Roskilde, Slagelse and Ringsted. Upon agreement we can accommodate exchange students, accompanying teachers and staff.


International partners and costumers recommends ZBC.

Statements from partners and previous students:

Gunta Grinhofa, project manager at VET Valmieras tehnikums, Latvia (Erasmus+ students on 5 weeks cooks programme)

“I have said this and will continue to say that ZBC is a place for young people to grow. You always have a special approach and attitude to the processes of growth and improvement of young people. Thank you to each of you for the time and experience you are willing to give to both young people and us as well.”

Tamás Hardi, butcher program in Denmark, Hungary

“I would like to thank you for the possibility of spend­ing eight weeks in Denmark. We learned many new things in this period, also things we could not learn at home. I really enjoyed our time and we grew closer to each other as classmates but also grew closer with our teachers as well. We had a lot of experiences.”

Agricultural Vocational Centre of the Central Hungarian Region, Ms Judit Emma TOTH, international coordinator

"What does it mean to have a great partner is all what ZBC can offer for our students and teachers since 2004. Our cooperation started with the butcher school program, every year with  youngsters who learned a lot about Danish meat industry and also professional language. It is unbelievable to say, that during the past 15 years many of our students could participate in the program, which has developed a lot following the newest trends in the meat industry.

For 3 years already we started to elaborate bakery programs together what gave the possibilty to students to gain Erasmus experience abroad and practice with among other the delicious Danish marzipan pastries.”

Silke Hillermann, Syke - Germany

“ZBC has been one of our closest partners in our international activities for more than 10 years now. We are connected not only through various international networks but also through mutual trust which makes our cooperation even more worthy. ZBC has always been a highly professional, trustworthy and innovative part­ner and together we have worked in many successful projects of which some have even been awarded with special prices by the European Communion. We hope that this intense cooperation can continue in the future and feel honored to have ZBC as our close partner. ”

Andrei Atškasov, Coordinator of International Affairs, Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus - Estonia

"Tartu Vocational Education Centre has a long term and broad cooperation relationship with ZBC involving different partnership projects and student exchange programs. Hundreds of Tartu VEC students during the last decade have got excellent learning experience in different VET programmes offered by ZBC. Participating in an international partnership project led by the Danish Meat College (ZBC today) gave the possibility to design and create Nordic/Baltic Gourmet Red Meat competition for young butchers that improved and developed meat culinary VET programs in partner schools. It also gave a great opportunity to attract young people to meat culinary study programmes.

During Covid19 pandemic when all physical international mobilities were canceled, Tartu VEC with ZBC took an innovative and modern approach for continuing  cooperation and developed virtual mobility activities with structure and content for VET students exchange that succeeded and got very positive feedback from students and teachers. We have a very good relations and friendship with the ZBC international projects team and are proud about this ever developing cooperation."

Mark Gančerjuks, Valmiera Technical School & former Erasmus+ cook student at ZBC

"Hey, one of the Latvian news interviewed and posted my Denmark journey, i thought you might want to read it" (below is an extract):
...Marks went in practice last autumn, to a small Danish town, spending 5 weeks there. The practice took place in one of the Danish schools where young people take the cook's profession. Given that the practice was led by professional chefs, the work seemed very exciting because both help and advice were provided on how to improve cooking skills and valuable advice on how to think more creatively, cooking and handing food. The lessons were both in the classroom, learning the theory and applying it practically in the kitchen. Practical training included the preparation of a variety of dishes, such as desserts and soups, and the distribution of different types of meat, as well as fileting fish and so on. As part of the practice, the students were able to visit the winery and participate in the process of collecting grapes, and then tasted on-the-spot wine.

The biggest surprise to Mark in practice in Denmark was the high quality control standards in the kitchen, as well as the importance of addressing hygiene requirements and overall cleanliness in the working environment. Chefs have been impressed as very neat and disciplined professionals in their posts. The surprise was also the different architecture in Denmark, which, although not so far from Latvia, has been quite different. The most striking impression has been the practice teacher/chef Andreas, who has been particularly responsive and helpful, has always tried to support every situation, and has personally provided very valuable advice.

“Erasmus+ Denmark's practice has succeeded in learning a lot of new things, and it is thanks to this experience that there is a new motivation and a much greater willingness to continue training in the food sector, “says Mark...

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