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  3. Danish vocational education for international students

Danish vocational education for international students

Do you want to be a baker, butcher, chef, gourmet butcher, pastry chef or waiter? Take your education within the world of nordic gastronomy and food at ZBC in Denmark and get a diploma.

Kokke og ernæringsassistenter står sammen ved bord
Bager smiler til hinanden, mens de står med brød i hånden


Are you curious about baked goods such as bread and cakes? And do you want an education where you can use both your creativity and your hands? 

Become a baker at ZBC.

When you become a baker, you learn the skills and knowledge it takes to prepare baked goods such as bread, cakes and everything in between. As a baker you work in a field with proud traditions with room for creativity.

As a baker you get the opportunity to think innovatively. Our highly educated teachers are ready to teach you everything you need to know with a career within the field of bakery. 

Gourmetslagter arbejder med udskæring af kød


Are you interested in food and preparing meat? 

Become a butcher at ZBC. 

During our butcher programme, you will learn about how to butcher in a safe and hygienic way. 

Our talented teachers are ready to teach you everything you need to know with a career within butchering.

Kok arbejder i køkken


Are you interested in food, gastronomy and culinary experiences? And do you see yourself in a high speed environment?

Become a chef at ZBC.

As a chef, you work with food, wine and menus. You have the opportunity to be both creative and innovative in your everyday work. During the programme, you will learn about different ingredients, flavours, methods, buying, nutrition and customer service.

Our talented teachers are ready to teach you everything you need to know with a career within the field of cooking.

Kok laver udskæring af kød

Gourmet butcher

Are you interested in food and preparing meat for cooking?

Become a gourmet butcher at ZBC. 

As a gourmet butcher, you work with preparing meals, sausages and delicacies. During the programme, you will learn about butchering and advicing customers on how to prepare the meat. 

Our talented teachers are ready to teach you everything you need to know with a career within the field of cooking.

Konditorelever piger i køkken arbejder

Pastry chef

Do you like creating delicious cakes and desserts? And do you have a sense for detail?

Become a pastry chef at ZBC. 

When you work as a pastry chef, you create all types of cakes and desserts. During the programme you will learn how to work efficiently and creatively with your hands. You will gain knowledge about the ingredients, methods and the visual representation of the product. 

Our highly educated teachers will help you start your career within the field of cakes and desserts. 

Tjener serverer for et selskab på en restaurant


Do you like creating great experiences? And would you like a career with great service as the main focus?

Become a waiter at ZBC. 

As a waiter you make great experiences happen. You are the face the guests meet. During the programme you learn how to communicate with your guests and how to recommend food and drinks. You also gain skills and knowledge about how to lay tables and mixing cocktails. 

Our highly dedicated and qualified teachers will help you on your first step towards your career as a waiter. 

Important information

Slide here and read more important information.

Receptionistelev står ved en skranke og arbejder på computer

Are you an international citizen living in Denmark?

Would you like to pursue a vocational education and become a chef, pastry chef, baker, butcher, or gourmet butcher?​

  • Open to foreigners residing in Denmark with a Danish CPR number
  • Earn apprentice wage during internships and school courses
  • Start internship up to a year before schooling begins
  • Explore opportunities in various companies within the food industry ​
  • Benefit from online Danish language course throughout your apprenticeship
  • Pursue a vocational education at ZBC in gourmet butchery, meat cutting, baking and pastry, and gastronomy
  • Enjoy accommodation at a student hotel with meal options available for an additional fee
  • Take your vocational education at ZBC in Roskilde, Slagelse, Ringsted or Næstved

Would you like to hear more about how you can start an apprenticeship?​

Mona Pedersen, Head of Chef school
Phone number: +45 41334755
E-mail: mspe@zbc.dk 

Butcher and gourmet butcher:
Peter Bak, apprenticeship coordinator
E-mail: pjba@zbc.dk 

Baker and pastry chef:
Poul Erik, Head of education
Phone number: +45 25192842
E-mail: per@zbc.dk 

General information:
Contact Anli Tobiasen, administrative worker at phone number +45 61984356 or e-mail at anto@zbc.dk ​

Ernæringsassistenter står ved en stor gryde

Are you an EU citizen?

As an EU citizen, you have the right via the free movement of persons within the EU, to take an education at ZBC. 

It’s an individual assessment whether you live up to the entry requirements. The assessment is made by ZBC.

There are two important aspects to keep in mind.

1. Language.
By far the most educations have a requirement that you must have a certain level of proficiency of the Danish language.

2. Assessment of the level of your non-Danish qualification.
This is linked to the entry requirements, but it also holds the opportunity that your can have merits from previous education and experiences. 

Read more here: Admission to vocational education and training (VET) — English

Read more about the Danish VET educational system here: Vocational education and training in Denmark | Ministry of Children and Education

Want to know more? Contact our Counselor team 

Mail: vejledning@zbc.dk

Phone: +45 7242 2509
Monday to Thursday 08.00 – 15.00
Friday 08.00 – 14.00

Kokke i køkken hygger sig

Are you a Scandinavian citizen?

As a Scandinavian citizen, you have the right to take an education at ZBC. The Nordic countries have a mutual agreement allowing students to access each other's general and vocational secondary schools under the same conditions as nationals.

Read more about the Danish VET educational system here: Vocational education and training in Denmark | Ministry of Children and Education

Want to know more? Contact our Counselor team 

Mail: vejledning@zbc.dk

Phone: +45 7242 2509
Monday to Thursday 08.00 – 15.00
Friday 08.00 – 14.00

Konditor sætter kager i en montre

Students for your company

Is your company lacking manpower? 
We have the solution, "New apprenticeship for foreigners living in Denmark“. 

Companies in the food industry, including (gourmet) butchery, baking and pastry, and gastronomy, can participate.

New apprenticeship in brief:​

  • Your company enters into an agreement with a student who resides in Denmark and has a Danish CPR number but has a foreign background
  • The student can start in your company from day one under the New Apprenticeship arrangement
  • The student will have shorter school periods at ZBC - vocational school
  • ZBC helps match a student to your company and sign a contract
  • The student is offered Danish lessons during their New Apprenticeship

Show the students that you are looking for an apprentice
Click here and fill out the form. You will then be on a list that all interested students will see.

For general information contact:
Anli Tobiasen, administrative worker at ZBC, at phone number +45 61984356 or e-mail at anto@zbc.dk

Read more about hiring international students:
You can find advice and guidance for your company here.

Frequently asked questions

When can I start?

August and January

How about the economy?

Apprenticeship - School

SU - The Danish students' Grants and Loans Scheme

Apprenticeship - Work:

You will receive salary throughout your education.

Are the programmes in Danish?

Yes, the programmes are in Danish and you will participate in Danish courses during your education.

Who do I contact?

If you have any questions, please contact Anli Tobiasen:

E-mail: anto@zbc.dk

Phone: +45 61984356

Are you on social media?
Do I get help with practicalities?

Yes, you will receive help with practicalities before and during your education.

International introduktion